DME clone ECU tuning - 2020.6+(MG1 TC298)

For models that require Femto unlocking after 20 years, power tuning can be performed by cloning the DME.
You will have two DMEs. When selling your car, TTS can recycle the cloned DME at a certain price.
Shorter unlocking period and cheaper total price.

The selling price includes DME cloning and TTS's ECU tuning MAPS.
You need to mail your DME to the designated address by TTS. After TTS receives your DME, it will send you a cloned DME with ECU tuning maps within 48 hours. Another 48 hours later, your original program DME will be mailed back to you.

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TTS – TCU-Tuning (F-Chassis N-Serie)

$359.99 USD $179.99 USD

Wir bieten fünf verschiedene Tuning-Stufen von Stufe 1 bis Stufe 5, darunter bis zu 15 gebrauchsfertige OTS-Tuning-Programme (Off-The-Shelf), zwischen denen Sie frei wechseln können.

Unterstützung: F-Chassis N-Serie

Anbieter: TTSpeedo