Technical Support

Here, you can find tutorials, solutions for flashing fails, and frequently asked questions.
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How to Operate

Operation Process

Operating Steps

Step 1 Connect the Vehicle

  • Prepare an iPhone to Ethernet adapter and an Enet cable available on Amazon or eBay for approximately $25 to $30 in total.
  • Connect the Ethernet adapter to the iPhone and insert the ENET cable into the vehicle's OBD port.

Step 2 Activate the Vehicle

  • Purchase a TTS activation key from our store or through any authorized dealer.
  • Use the activation code to activate the vehicle.
  • The internet connection is required in all period of flashing.
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Step 3 Download Maps

  • Before the first flash, you need to download the tuning suite corresponding to this vehicle.
  • Most cars have up to 12-15 OTS maps, including different transmission tunings from Stage 1 to Stage 5.

Step 4 Write the Program

  • The vehicle at stock state needs to flash with OBD-Unlock first, then you can choose your preferred map for flashing.
  • You can make the vehicle smoother (Stage 1-2) or more aggressive (Stage 3-5).

What to Do If Flashing Fails?

If the flashing process ends without a green prompt in the log, it indicates a flashing failure. The following are possible causes and solutions. Please troubleshoot and resolve the issue based on the cause.

Unstable Network Causes Flash Failure

Problem: Flashing fails at irregular intervals. (For example: failure times are at 0:43 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds, 3 minutes, etc. Flashing fails at irregular times.)

Solution: 1. Avoid flashing in areas with unstable networks, such as underground parking lots.
2. Switch to a better network signal.

Enet Cable Contact Issue

Problem: Accidentally the wire was bumped, causing a loose connection between the phone and vehicle.

Ensure the cable is securely connected and try flashing again.

Vehicle Not in Ignition On Mode

Problem: Vehicle exited Ignition On Mode during flashing.

Solution: Some vehicles encounter Ignition Off during the flashing due to battery aging. Check the fuel gauge on the dashboard is working during the flashing, if the fuel gauge suddenly drops to zero, press the ignition button promptly to remedy.

Open or Close the Door During Flashing

Problem: Opening or closing car doors during flashing can interrupt the process.

Solution: Avoid opening or closing car doors during the flashing process. If the flashing process is interrupted and fails, flashing it again.


1. If the connection cannot be established within 15 seconds, close the app from the background and reopen it.

2. If it still shows "unable to connect," check if the "Ethernet" option appears in your iPhone settings.

• If "Ethernet" is not present: This indicates that the iPhone adapter is not connected properly. Please unplug and reconnect the adapter, try again.
• If "Ethernet" is present: Click on it and click USB 10/100 LAN, to see if the vehicle IP (169.254.x.x) is detected. If the IP is not detected: This indicates that the vehicle is not communicating with the iPhone. Check if the ENET cable is working properly. Or unplug and reconnect all cables and try again.

If your vehicle is in its stock state, you will need to flash the "OBD Unlock – STEP 1" before flashing any other maps.

For example:
• The transmission program was restored when the vehicle I-Level was upgraded at a dealership.
• OTA auto-updates were not turned off, and the vehicle automatically updated to the stock state.
• Used the TTS App to restore to the stock map.

To restore to stock, find the map labeled "Uninstall" in the map list. It is usually the second-to-last option in the OTS MAPS list. This map is the stock map, and will restore the vehicle to its original state.

A successful flash is indicated by the following:

Successful Flash: When the progress bar disappears and a message in green text “Programming successful” appears in the log, this indicates a successful flash.
Failed Flash: If the progress bar disappears but there is white text “Please re-flash again or Uninstall to restore” in the log, the flash has failed.